Entrepreneurial consultations: company formation, an address and contact person services, accounting, VAT number, etc. specifically in Estonia, in EU.


What questions are asked when submitting a VAT application?

The questions are what the Tax and Customs Board wants to know when accepting the application.

1. Has the desire to register arisen voluntarily or compulsorily?

2. Brief description of business activity, 3-4 sentences.

3. 2-3 main business partners.

4. Sources of business financing: loan, equity or grant?

5. Are there plans to register employees?

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Can a foreign company register for VAT?

In order to register for VAT, a foreign company must submit an application and extract from the company register of the country where the company is registered.

Of course, it is also necessary to thoroughly describe how the business will be related to Estonia.

Documents can be submitted either by a person authorized to represent or by an authorized person under a notarial power of attorney in our office on site.

Tax and Customs Board also accept documents sent by post if the specimen signature of the authorized person is notarized or sent digitally signed (digital signature of the authorized person) to our e-mail address emta@emta.ee or submitted to our service office on site.

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When will arise obligation to have VAT number?

The VAT registration obligation in Estonia arises from the moment when the company’s sales turnover exceeds 40 000 EUR per calendar year.

At the same time, the company may apply for VAT status before it reaches this amount.

The VAT number registration can be initiated after you’ve registered your company.

Please take a closer look at our respective service:

VAT number

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Is getting a VAT number guaranteed?

Depends on Tax and Customs official evaluation. It will be monitored case by case.

In practice, it is generally the case that if you have had significant problems with the Tax and Customs Board in the past, if you cannot adequately describe your business activities, if you do not have a bank account with an Estonian bank, you will not receive a VAT number.

The Tax and Customs Board has the right to request that the person submit additional proof or collect such proof on its own initiative. The proof is any information confirming that the applicant has either commenced business at the place of business stated in the application or has planned to start a business. Such proof can be, for example, preliminary contracts, (commercial lease, procurement, delivery, employment, etc.) contracts, sites for work to be performed, etc.

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Submitting an application for VAT registration

Applicants must have access to “Submit a VAT registration application”.

In order to grant access, the authorized person must enter the e-MTA as a representative and select “Settings”> “Access Rights”> “Representative Access Rights”.

On the Access Rights Administration page, you must enter the user ID of the user to be authorized and select “Access to VAT registration” under the “Individual rights” section.

Log in: https://maasikas.emta.ee/v1/login?authst=eitUBZa5iT


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