Entrepreneurial consultations: company formation, an address and contact person services, accounting, VAT number, etc. specifically in Estonia, in EU.

FAQ Tag: Address

Can I order a Virtual Office Service prior to establishing a company?


In fact, having a legal address and a contact person residing in Estonia are prerequisites for the establishment of an Estonian company, particularly when the board members are based outside of Estonia.

These requirements are compulsory in order to comply with Estonian business laws and regulations.

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How is the legal address registered for the company?

When establishing a company, the legal address is drawn up by the founder or founders in the process of establishing.

The address will be indicated also in the decision on the establishment of the company, the Articles of Association.

The address will be shown on the business registry registration card.

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Will I get a physical address in Estonia with e-Residency?

Unfortunately, the e-Residency status alone does not include the provision of a physical address in Estonia.

A stronger connection with Estonia is needed. Establishing a company is a very suitable solution for this. We can help with that. As well as with a contact person and a legal address service. These services will assist you in meeting the necessary requirements and ensuring compliance with the regulations of Estonia’s company registration process.

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Is offered address “virtual” or real?

The authenticity of an address is a crucial factor in various institutional settings, including the Estonian Business Registry, payment solution providers, and banks, among others.

It is important to note that these entities do not accept the use of “not real” or “virtual addresses.”

Therefore, it is recommended that individuals and companies provide accurate and verifiable address information when engaging in transactions with these institutions.

That’s what we are offering.

Please take a closer look at our respective service:

Package ONE

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Where is my address certificate?

This will be provided upon order or subscription renewal.

The certificate will be automatically sent to the email you provided during the order process.

In the event that you are unable to locate it, please inform us, and we will manually resend it to you.

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