Due to the rules established for our activities, we are forced to ask our customers for additional information from time to time. To continue cooperation, please fill out the form below.

What is my legal status? If you are a sole trader and have not incorporated a legal company through a legal process to conduct your business, then select the status of a sole trader. If your company is a partnership, then your status is a partnership. If your company is a limited liability company, select the “incorporated” option. I’m not registered, don’t pay taxes, and have a website. Can I verify as a sole trader? To verify as a business customer, irrespective of the legal status, one should provide the documents proving the existence of the official business.
Why provide a phone number? Providing your phone number will allow our support team to reach you faster on important cases
What is a company code? A company code (or business ID number) is a number assigned to your business by the authority under which your company is registered. Your company code can be located in the business registration certificate or the Articles of Association.
Legal address is the address of the place where the Company is officially registered.
Operation address is the address of the place where the Company performs it`s actual operations and business activities.
Please indicate all official licenses held by the Company.
Please provide information about Major Customers/Suppliers of the Company. Major Customers/Suppliers can be an individual or a company who has significant degree of involvement with your business (e.g. a supplier, a customer, an intermediary etc.).
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Copies of ID Documents of Company Representative and/or Managing Director. We are obliged by law to verify identities of natural persons representing the customer or customer company representative.
Please indicate the amount of participation in the company’s share capital.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Copies of ID Documents of share holders. We are obliged by law to verify identities of natural persons representing the customer or customer company representative.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Business Certificate
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Articles of Association