
Can non-residents use the e-services of the Estonian Tax and Customs Board?

As a non-resident, you can sign in to the Estonian Tax and Customs Board’s self-service environment and use the e-services if you have:

  • the eID of one of the following EU Member States:
    • Germany (National Identity Card, Electronic Residence Permit)
    • Italy (Carta di identità elettronica)
    • Spain (DNIe)
    • Belgium (Belgian Citizen eCard, Foreigner eCard)
    • Luxembourg (Luxembourg eID card)
    • Croatia (Personal Identity Card (eOI)).

Anno 2023.

Estonia’s e-Residency

If you are unable to use the above-mentioned authentication methods, we recommend you apply for Estonia’s e-Residency. E-Residency offers foreigners secure access to Estonia’s e-services. Holders of the e-resident’s Digi-ID card can digitally sign documents and use the Digi-ID to sign in to all portals and information systems that recognize the Estonian ID card.

You can apply for an Estonian e-resident’s Digi-ID electronically at https://eresident.politsei.ee/.

Category: Taxis in Estonia
Tags: Estonia, Law, Tax
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