What is a company’s annual report?

An annual report is the company’s financial statement of the past financial year.

All legal entities need to submit an annual report in Estonia – which of course includes companies owned by e-residents. Under the Commercial Code (see § 60), it’s mandatory to submit the report even if the company doesn’t have any activities during the financial year. It must be prepared in Estonian and in the official currency (EUR).

The deadline is six months after the financial year is over. Usually at late last day of June. But it is always wise to do it early.

The annual report can be submitted remotely if you have an Estonian e-residency card, Estonian ID card, Estonian Mobile ID or Smart ID. In other cases, the services of a public notary must be used.

All, but micro-enterprises must also include the management report. Larger companies must submit a cash flow statement and a statement of changes in equity. In certain cases, an auditor’s evaluation is mandatory.

Keep in mind that anyone can access the management reports. Therefore, consider carefully what the report contains.

Please take a closer look at our respective service:

Basic annual report

Categories: Accounting, Annual report
Tags: Accounting, Annual report, Estonia
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