Entrepreneurial consultations: company formation, an address and contact person services, accounting, VAT number, etc. specifically in Estonia, in EU.

FAQ Category: Company liquitation

Debitors managment procedure

Standard Procedure for Non-Payment of Services:

The established protocol for addressing non-payment of services typically involves several steps to ensure a fair resolution. These steps are as follows:

  1. Reminder Letter: A formal communication is sent to the debtor, notifying them of the outstanding payment and requesting immediate settlement. The letter serves as an initial reminder and allows the debtor an opportunity to rectify the situation promptly.
  2. Repeated Reminder Letter: In the event that the debtor fails to respond or settle the outstanding amount after the initial reminder, a subsequent reminder letter is sent as a follow-up measure. This letter reiterates the urgency of payment and emphasizes the potential consequences of continued non-compliance.
  3. SMS Reminder: In addition to written communication, a text message reminder is commonly employed as a supplementary means of notification. This method aims to further prompt the debtor to take immediate action in resolving the unpaid balance.
  4. Register of Debtors: If the debtor remains unresponsive or persistent in non-payment, their details may be recorded in a register of debtors. This record serves as a reference for future actions and ensures transparency within the process.
  5. Court Proceedings: Should the previous steps prove ineffective, legal action may be pursued through court proceedings. This involves initiating a formal lawsuit against the debtor, presenting the case before a judge or magistrate, and seeking a legal judgment in favor of the owed amount.
  6. Bailiff or Debt Collection Company: If necessary, following a court judgment, the services of a bailiff or a reputable debt collection company may be enlisted. These professionals are authorized to take further action to recover the owed funds, which may include seizing assets, enforcing payment plans, or implementing other legal measures.

It is important to note that throughout this process, initial transaction costs incurred as a result of pursuing the outstanding payment will be included. Additionally, as the proceedings progress, state fees and bailiff costs, which are associated with legal action and the involvement of authorized officials, will be added to the outstanding balance.

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How long does the liquidation last?

The fastest timeline for completing the liquidation of a private limited company in Estonia is six months after the entry of the dissolution in the commercial register and publication of the liquidation notice, as well as three months after notifying shareholders of the final balance sheet and asset distribution plan.

It is important to note that this timeline is dependent on all necessary requirements being fulfilled within this timeframe.

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Is there need for report somewhere about liquidation?

The liquidators shall immediately publish a notice of the liquidation proceedings of the private limited company in the official publication Ametlikud Teadaanded.

The notice of liquidation must state that the creditors if they exist, must submit their claims within four months of the publication of the notice.

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How can a private limited company be dissolved?

A private limited company can be dissolved by a resolution of the shareholders, a court decision, bankruptcy or other conditions specially specified for that purpose in the articles of association.

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